Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Coming of Spring...

So I think spring fever is in the air. Actually it probably arrived a couple of months ago but seeing as though spring itself has decided to take its sweet time coming the symptoms of spring fever seem to be getting more and more extreme. It started the usual way...people reorganizing closets, cleaning up all the forgotten corners of the home. As the snow continued to linger people seemed to think that denial may work and started packing up the winter clothes and heading out and about in thinner jackets and runners. Then it snowed again and everyone fell into a deep melancholy which manifested itself in everyone refusing to shovel their driveways. A few weeks later when the snow began to melt again...this time at a quicker pace the really weird symptoms started showing themselves. People began shoveling their snowbanks out into their driveways and roads! At first there where only isolated incidences and then, far too quickly, it became a common sight. Lawns started getting the same treatment as though the grass just could not survive just one more week of snow sitting on it. It has become a sorry state of affairs around here. People are so desperate for spring and warmer weather that they are becoming delusional. I watched a neighbour out washing his outside windows the other day....somehow oblivious to the fact that the dust and dirt on the roads, that is so thick right now you can see the little dunes, is just waiting to get kicked up into the air and float right over to his dripping windows.
I don`t know if we need to declare a state of emergency or anything yet but I don`t know how far off we as a community are from a collective mental breakdown. In fact right now I am staring at the three and half foot snowbanks still sitting in my front yard, and there, just across the road I can see the liberated grass on my neighbours lawn and I can`t help but wonder where I put my shovel.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

My thoughts...

So the other night I found myself contemplating what I wanted to 'accomplish' as a mother. I thought I would share what I wrote here on my blog.

"For my children, I want to leave my legacy of love imprinted on their hearts. Like the strains of a melody that would float through their lives bringing encouragement, hope and strength. I think every mother wants to see her children dream and aspire to the greatness we see in them. We know though that struggle awaits and discouragement and doubt may haunt them, as it does us all. And so we see to build into our children the resiliency to overcome, to continue on. The challenge though is to inspire more than little soldiers that march through life with only eyes for the mundane. We want to open their eyes to the magic around them. The beauty, the mystery, the fanciful and the sacred. I want my children to smell and air after it rains and be able to immerse themselves in the moment. Most of all I want to show them how this is done. I want them to see the passion that drives me to pursue my dreams. To see the love between soul mates and the gift that is to all involved. I want them to recognize in me that my strength come from faith and trust in the One who is greater than us all. I want them to watch me fall and get back up again and know that life is now about perfection but rather experience that brings wisdom. I want that melody that plays in their hearts through the everyday moments that is the same one that gave them cuddles and helped them discover something new. The one that reveled in the beauty of a moment with them. The one that showed them the greatest love it could so that could be pointed towards the greatest Love."

Monday, March 23, 2009


With the busyness of everyday life it would be nice to have some super powers to help us along. Pick your top 3 super powers you would choose for yourself and the reasons why. Then pick 5 of your friends and link them to your blog and see what you find out!

1. Teleporting: Like the guy from 'Jumper'. I would totally be pumped to be able to visit and hang out with friends no matter where we lived. I would also enjoy the chance to see the world without all the cost!!!

2. Invisible: I would like this one for less legitimate reasons than the first one. I think it would be fun to be a fly on the wall sometimes and it would be great for avoiding awkward situations!!

3. The Mary Poppins 'Snap': This is my ideal tool for everyday life. Snap my fingers and the toys clean themselves up...can I get a hell ya! Wow I am already daydreaming about the beauty of a house that cleans itself!!

Let me know what superpowers you would choose and don't forget to link me to your blog!

The Toews

I'm supposed to have two more as well so if your reading this and want to share your superpowers feel free!! Just be sure to leave a comment so I can check out how cool your super person would be :)

Interactive blog block buster

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pictures on Demand...

The unfortunate part of this day was that we were on private property and that when it is all said and done we were in someone's personal residence (Although 36,000 sq feet made it feel more like a hotel) Sooo I can't post any of the pics to show off all that I was talking about :(
I did learn yesterday though that the doors I was admiring so much are costing the homeowner $6000 a door. YIKES!!

Anyway I thought I would post some of the other pics from the day that didn't have anything to do with the property that we were ooogling over.

I love jumbled up organic material for some reason so this tree was a special stop and a trip down a hill just so I could get up close

I did all my shooting in black and white and I liked how these pics came out. It so gray outside anyway I don't think I missed much colour! This is an old car in the ditch that Ed spotted for me. It turned out to be a pretty good stop.

Anyway just thought I'd share. If you want to see some of the other pics we got you'll have to stop by for coffee one day :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

An Inspiring Day

Today was one of those days that was beautiful from start to finish and I am sitting here this evening still basking in its glow.

Ed got me up early this morning and took me to his job site. He arranged to take me though this multi-million dollar house that he has been working on. I found myself catching my breath at it all. The house is still far from finished but the care that was going into the workmanship was so evident; it was inspiring. The stonework and overall design was so elegant and almost understated that it drew you into each space it occupied. Although the piece of work that I think stole my heart today was the woodwork. The owner of this house has hired a craftsman that is building these massive, solid wood doors all by hand. Each door he is sanding down and 'distressing' to give it a weather worn look and then staining a beautiful rich walnut colour. They are the most perfect doors I think I have ever seen. I stood for a long time just running my hand over the smooth undulating surface. The patterns in the wood were mesmerizing.

Anyway I will snap out of it here and carry on with my day. The area this house is being built is quite beautiful as well and Ed encouraged me to bring my camera along. I was so inspired from all that I had seen that it made me want to be better and strive for more in my art form. In the end I was able to wander around and take some photos that I was absolutely thrilled by. It was such a treat to be able to take my time and just appreciate the beauty around me.

The morning just set the tone for the rest of my day. I felt so enabled to just slow down and spend time with my family. What a treat.

The power that beauty has to restore and inspire always astounds me. I don't often stop and take the time to just appreciate all the beauty that surrounds me every day but I never regret it when do.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My new toy...And A New Discovery

Yay for income tax...thats all I can say. This year I got to pick a 'toy' for myself and our family. I actually found an awesome little canon powershot tx1 on clearance - half price!!!!
So cool

Anyway we wanted this cool little point and click because it also does video. I am so happy I can actually video my little monkeys now. Time is flying by so fast and I want to be able to look back and remember how cute their little voices were and how their tiny hands could get into so much mischief.

My new discovery that I am also super pumped about is a cool little soap shop...you can visit it online at www.latherupcanada.ca
I got a couple of their soaps and i couldn't be more pleased. The "phatty" soap is so nice and mild for the kids and actually leaves moisture in their skin. With the eczema that they deal with I can see this helping a lot.
I also got an almond rocca soap....mmmm soo yummy smelling. They have all sorts of neat moisturizers and pump style hand soaps....and the best part? Its all natural. Seriously the base is olive oil not beef tallow or some other sort of lard. Very cool. I definitely recommend that everyone at least check out the website. :)

Anyway that is all I need to sell you guys on today...lol
I'll let you know when my next must have appears :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Illustrious `B`

So first of all I should probably address the name B.
Eliana was given a `Bunnies by the Bay` Bunny from my mom and dad when she was born. It was such a pretty little bunny that we put her to bed with Eliana every night. Since Eliana was so little and Ed and I are so creative we just called the little bunny...bunny. As Eliana got a bit older and started getting attached to this little rabbit she started to try to call it bunny as well but only got as far as the first letter - B - and so the strange name was born and so was the surrounding confusion.

Eliana running around calling `B!!!!` has confused and troubled more than one person!

So when B came into our lives she was pristine and beautiful - like this picture that I grabbed off of the bunnies by the bay website. She is a little more weather worn now. I guess after just about 3 years of constant snuggles, day trips and adventures I am just happy we still have her. Eliana generally knows at any given time where B is. One night I was looking all over for her and when i asked Eliana she said, `In coset mommy`(i.e. In the closet Mom!) Sure enough there was B.

B has been left at Nana`s once or twice...enough to know that it is better for everyone if you don`t leave the rabbit behind.

I guess I am to blame for Eliana`s extreme attachment to this little piece of cloth. I was one of those kids that totally adored my `stuffies` and felt very convicted by the story of the velveteen rabbit. I actually still have my baby stuffie. Weird as it is I also know how comforting it was to have something familiar with you when you went out and explored the world. And so B comes along with us most places, and partakes in many day to day activities.
Some of her most famous mishaps happened along the way.

The dryer was a big one. It took B from being fluffy and soft to some sort of well worn pilled up fleece.

Eliana`s height was an issue for a while because B ended up being dragged through malls and parking lots and such.

The flu is particularly bad for B. She usually escapes any `projectiles`but it`s all the runny noses and tears that she gets to soak up. I usually refer to B as the `Bunny of Death`during these times and try not to touch her to much while I take her to the washing machine because I am pretty sure she probably is caring the Plague.

Recently she has had a run in with a space heater...lets just say it could have been worse.

At the rate she is going I am not totally confidant that she is going to make it beyond this toddler stage and I am considering having a new B on standby but I guess the best part about ugly, dirty, bedraggled bunnies is that they are loved.

From Reno`s to Sleep

Life has been a whirlwind around here but in a good way. Spring fever or something close to it (will the snow ever go away!?!) has taken hold in our house and we have projects sprouting up everywhere.

The big celebration right now is that we have completed the reno`s we were doing on Gabe`s room to the point that he could move back in - he was sleeping in our room for the past couple weeks and it really wasn`t working that well. He is a pretty light sleeper and so am I and so between the two of us we were up at least once, sometimes twice a night. So to say the least I am pretty pumped about getting back into a better routine:)

Speaking of sleep, Eliana slept walked for the first time last night. I have heard her sleep talk quite a few times but I`ve never really worried about her getting up and wandering around at night! So last night I was in bed reading when I heard some scuffling noises out in the living room but I figured it was just the cat. A few minutes later I heard a big loud `BWWRRRTTTT`(That is a fart sound) I was pretty sure that it wasn`t the cat (lol) and so I went to investigate. I found Eliana curled up on the floor between the footstool and the chair. I asked her what she was doing there and she groggily told me she couldn`t find her `Bee`(which I will have to do a full blog about at some point) I put her back in bed and found her Bee which was still on the bed and all was well. She really comes by it honestly.

Ed is the funniest sleeper. Its not that he does anything really strange or anything but he does sleep talk and sometimes elaborate with hand gestures. I was told how to build a box one night. Anyway his biggest quirk to do with sleeping is that he can do it anywhere, anytime. Seriously. Movie theaters, doctors offices, obviously any vehical, and of course at home at 8:15pm like he is doing right now. I think I envy this ability most the time because once he is asleep there is no getting through to him. Although It`s probably good that we both are not like this because who knows how our kids would survive!!!
Eliana knows who to harass in the morning....all she has to do is say my name a few times and I am usually up. Although on weekends when we are trying to sleep in I will sometimes ignore her and then she ups her game to turning on my bedside lamp and pointing it right into my face.
Smart little critters. :)

So back to the reno thing - we just have trim and a new door to install and then Gabe`s room will be finished. Yay. I will definately post a pic of it when its done.