Thursday, October 14, 2010

MMMM Thanksgiving.....turkey how do I love you - let me count the ways

That may be my longest title yet - but can you blame me?  Turkey really is oh so good - I get to this time of year and find myself wondering why we only do it twice.

Anyway off of the turkey brain....
We also had an awesome weekend of spending time with my family....and of course because everyone was home at the same time (FINALLY)

It became a major photo op.

A Surprise 75th Bday for my Gram brought out my dads two sisters

My Grams was tickled pink by the surprise

Mom and Dad helped me play around with the setting on my camera

Timer + Two Kids + Mommy and Two kids running back and forth to reset camera = fun family photos

I got my exercise this day  - once again playing the start the timer and run game "The Girls"

"The Boys"....thankfully I did not slip off my precarious perch on the tractor hood

Uncle Jimmy with Gabe 
It really was a great weekend - besides my Grandma's 75th birthday we also celebrated my Dad's 50th on Sunday and of course Thanksgiving on monday.

Yup I think it is safe to say I have started gaining my winter insulation. 

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Som great pics Kate, it looks like it was a fun thanksgiving!!!