Thursday, October 7, 2010

Gabe's Revelation...

So I just had to share this cute little conversation I had with Gabe the other night...

Gabe was talking with Eliana and I tuned in just as I heard

Eliana: "I am  a girl Gabe"

Gabe: " I girl too"

Eliana: "NO your NOT Gabe - your a boy - I a girl"

Gabe: "NO" (starts crying)

So I grabbed him and put him on my lap.

Me: "Yes you are a boy Gabe...thats good you are boy, that is the way that Jesus made you"

Gabe: "Oh" (a few sniffles as he stopped crying - then he looked at me meaningfully) "Jesus make you a big huge one mommy?"

"Yup Jesus made me a big huge one"'