This morning WWIII erupted in my house..of course over something small and relatively inconsequential...But this momma had enough.
It all came down to one little girl (who is completely capable of cleaning her room quickly and effectively when Daddy asks her) absolutely refusing to clean her room when her Momma asked.
A couple of hours later, after reminding and prodding and all other sorts of coercion, I laid down the ultimate ultimatum.
"Clean up this room now or I will take whatever toys are left on the floor out of here!"
To which Eliana responded, "Ok - I don't need any toys." what.
I sent her to time out while I came up with a plan and this is the result.
Notice the room is clean? Yup I did that...I know I didn't 'win' this time but let me let you in on my plan....
*Step one - clean room while little girl is on a time out.
*Step two - purge all non-essential type toys (big blue bag on its way to the thrift store)
*Step three - saran wrap ALL other toys into the toy box under strict instructions that there will be all sorts of trouble for the person who dares to cross the not quite invisible barrier of cleanliness.
*Step four - New rule in home - All Eliana's toys are mine. Yup mine (I now have quite the collection of polly pockets)
*Step five - Eliana doesn't know this yet but as she completes various cleaning tasks she will be able to earn her toys back.
I'll let ya know how it goes.