Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Of Bullies...

You know when you are young and imagine your adult life - the thought that bullies will still be around may not have crossed your mind.  I know that my young self thought that the days of bullies would be far behind me.

But we grow up and life gets complicated and when a bully stands in front of you as an adult - it can make life that much more tricky. Now instead of teachers and parents there to intervene - your on your own. Of course there are always the police and the legal system but it is easy to say 'it is just not that bad'...until one day it is and now what! The choice to stand up for your self goes beyond sticking your tongue out or pushing back. Hopefully as adults 'we use our words' and begin to create healthier boundaries for ourselves and our families.  In a perfect world the bully would be like, 'oh, wow, I had no idea that my behaviour was so offensive or my actions were having such undesirable consequences' LOL 
Ya right hey! If only it were that easy.  Instead of calming things down it often inflames things even further.  Its hard to watch scenarios like this one because you can feel so powerless. Its hard watching bully's lie and manipulate authority so they look like the victim.
I honestly don't know how things work out from this point; life is not a movie. Things don't work out picture perfect, neat and tidy.  What gives me hope is that although man may not see the whole picture and may not be just - God does and is.

Ps 71:4 "Rescue me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of the unjust and cruel man"

Ps 22:8 "He trusts in the Lord; let him deliver him; let him rescue him, for he delights in him!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post reminds me a lot of what we discussed at bible study when you were there last, I guess we all need someone with enough grace to walk through life with us and help us process our bullies, even when we are adults!