Monday, May 9, 2011

I was a fly on the wall...

I happened to overhear the following conversation between my daughter (4) and her friend big T (6)

Big T - " I am so strong that the other day I picked up my whole house and threw it into the ocean...but it didn't sink because I flew really fast and put a boat under it.

Me -  "Oh wow, Big T, you must be a super hero."

Big T - "Ya, I even have super speed" (proceeds to run across the living room) " But actually it only works outside"

Eliana - "I am really fast (starts running all around the living room as fast as she can) See how fast I can run!!"

Then this is what gave me the giggles...

Eliana - "And I am really strong too - see I can lift this..chair! (as she stuggles to lift a kitchen chair 2 inches off the

I thought it was so adorable that Eliana was taking the whole conversation so literally...and I am pretty sure she really does think that Big T is a super hero.

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