Friday, August 6, 2010

Out with the Old and in With the New!!

Last couple of weeks have been super busy project land around here.  We finally bit the bullet and re-did our roof. So now I can say that I know how to shingle a roof but I really don't want to do it again. 
I can't complain though - Ed is the one that really put in the hours along with my brother.  They would come home from work and shingle until 9 pm and wake up and do it all over again.  It took a week and we even had a whole crew of volunteers on the long weekend.  So a big thankyou to my Dad and Mom, Megs, Greg, Stacey and Mauricio and of course James and Ed!!



Shawna said...

so thats why we couldn't get a hold of you, lol. looks good!!

Caroline said...

Lookin' good!