Thursday, July 29, 2010

Morning Inspiration...

This past week I pulled a bit of a switch in my schedule and instead of staying up late and dragging my butt around in the morning, I have been getting to sleep at a decent time which amazingly enough means that I actually wake up before my kids and I even wake up feeling great!

So yesterday morning I was out side at 7am watering my plants when I saw the sun come over the ridge and highlight this big ol dandelion.  I was captivated.  I ran and grabbed my camera and started to play around with this cool image.

Anyway I was pretty happy with the results - I am thinking of printing a couple of them to hang in my newly reno'd sunroom (which I will post about really soon!!!)


Anonymous said...

I love how great you feel when you are the first one up in the house, now if only I could manage to find the motivation, lol! I think you should definately print and frame some of these photos, they would make beautiful works of art!

Caroline said...

Love the pictures Kate. Yes, there is something great about waking up before your kids and being awake and prepared for the day before they awake.