Friday, September 14, 2012


Ok I know that domesticating is not really a word but I feel that it has sums up my last week and a bit.  I am sure that as time goes on the novelty of being at home again will wear off but in the mean time I have been busy baking up a storm, cleaning, organizing and generally embracing all things domestic.

Its so fun hanging out with my boy and picking up Eliana from the bus and hearing all about her day and actually feeling as though I have the energy to interact with them.

I got a chance to make Lemon Meringue Cupcakes this past week for my moms birthday and I loved them.  The cupcakes were awesome and filled with lemon curd put them over the top.  My  mom is not really into really sweet desserts so I used real meringue on top of the cupcakes instead of the 7 minute frosting the recipe calls for.  I found this recipe through Susi Kochen und Backen's Blog and if you want to give it a go click here

Although I don't have any photos  - I also got to make bread this week.  I used just white flour this time but my goal is to start using organic grains from a local farmer to start making bread for the family on a regular basis.  For those of you who know my husband probably know that he does not like bread.  The one exception to this rule is if it is homemade.  I don't know what it is but he gobbles it up. Anyway if I can find a recipe I am happy about I will definately be posting it. :)

Eventually I would like to use the same idea of using local grains to make homemade pasta.  I have made it before and its not that complicated.  Concidering the amount of pasta we can eat I think it would be one more way to phase out wheat (at least over processed wheat) and bring in more nutricious grains.

I found a neat resource today about grains so if it is something you are curious about check of this link to Recipe Tips here

Have a Beautifully Messy Day


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kate, I have an awesome bread receipe if you would like it, I love it!!! THe only problem is it is a little too tempting, lol. Also, Cory Munk had homemade pasta posted on his munks on meals blog one time so he would be a good placeto start for a recipe.

I enjoyed reading and catching up on your blog, I love that you are staying home and updating regularly :)~Shawna