Wednesday, May 12, 2010

For The Record...

So just for the record....

I am not old....yet. Some young punks at Jiu-Jitsu called us moms, 'old' the other day. GRRRRR
So for the record, YES I have two kids and a minivan BUT NO I am not old.

Also for the record, Milk may be good for you BUT if you are like me and can easily drink 5 classes a day, you may want to consider that at 160 cal a glass that is 800 cal a day!!! Almost half of my recommended daily intake!!  Stupid yummy milk

To make matters worse what goes better with milk than oreos!?!? 2 oreos - 120 cal. UGG Are you kidding me - who can just eat two!?  

And just to reiterate, my metabolism may have slowed down to the point that I am discovering some deeply depressing facts about my favorite snacks BUT I am still not old.

PS - I had a slushee after class today - and I briefly considered looking up how many calories one of those little puppies has but I thought better of it  - I have had enough bad news for one day.

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