Monday, May 24, 2010

The Crazy Busy Transformative Week...

So Yes, This has been a very very BUSY week....BUT in the best way possible.

I have had not one but two of my very dear friends that live far too far away come for visits this week.  It has been so nice to relax and reconnect in a face manner with these girls without getting a neck cramp from being on the phone too long.

The other part of my busy this last week has made me super excited but also a little anxious....I have officially launched my buisness. YIKES/YAY!?!?!
Twisted Lily Photography became a registered buisness this week and to kick things off I was swamped!!! Which is awesome.  I have been so busy that facebook and my blog have even taken a back seat!

Feel free to pop on over to my Twisted Lily Blog to check out some of my latest work.

Anyway thanks for bearing with me and my unusually long hiatus this past week and a bit :)

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