For something that you really shouldn't feel stupid for?
So here is my moment - two days ago at Jui-Jitsu I was training with a friend of mine getting ready for the next tourny...this of course means that we start rolling by standing up instead of on our knees. I was going for a take down so I quickly side stepped to grab her gui and bam! My ankle that was supposed to be supporting me decided to take a vacation. It felt like it had exploded - I lay there trying not to make a scene but all the while making a scene. Apparently me trying to not cry looks like I am it ended up ok because the fact that my friend was still laughing at my not laughing - that looked like laughing - actually made me laugh. We got to the bench and my instructor took a look - I was shocked. It hurt so bad to touch or move it and yet even after sitting there for half an hour no swelling - no bruising. This was weird.
Once I got up the courage - I found I could hobble so I headed out to my van and headed home.
Silly ankle still hurt but I figured no swelling meant no real injury.
Ed was worried that something may still be wrong so he told me to go to the doc in the morning.
I got in early in the next day and the doc did not give me any good news. I guess no swelling or bruising can be a bad sign. Basically she was pretty convinced I had a fractured bone in my ankle and if that was not the case that my ligament had torn right off and that I would need to go get an ortho consult. Woah!! For an ankle that was just sore and stupid stiff this was a little crazy. But I mean she is a doctor - she should know what she is talking about right!?!
I went and got the xray and hung around town like they asked waiting for the other appointments - that they never ended up calling me about. Turns out doc went home and I had to call the office to find out what was going on.
"Oh there is no fracture so you just have a sprain"
Thanks Einstein.
What about this stupid ligament thing you have got me all stressed out about.
"We will get the doc to look over things and call you in the morning for a follow up appointment"
Ok Good Morning world.
No call from the doc - I thought I might as well call instead of holding my breath.
"Nope doc says everything looks fine its just a little sprained."
Well duh - thats what I was what I thought before I came into see you experts in the first place. Ugh.
Anyway they gave me a number for physio that the doc wants me to go to. Do I go?? Its a sprained ankle for heavens sake and the real crux of the matter is that I think my doc may be on crack and have very little confidence in her judgement right now. I don't think I want to put out the money on her recomendation.
So why do I feel stupid?? I think because I wasted a whole day yesterday running around and Ed took time off to watch the kids and was all worried and anxious for nothing. ugh.
okay... i want to press the little "funny" button at the bottom of your blog, but then my conscience kicks in and says that isn't a very nice friend thing to do. I really am so sorry for your pain, but if you want true sympathy you shouldn't blog about your misfortune in a way that makes me giggle. As for therapy... how about instead of following the advice of your doctor (who may or may not be on crack!) you sit around home and milk it for all it's worth! You should be able to get out of cooking and cleaning for a few days at least!
only a few days Leanne? I would aim for at least a week! But she is right Kate, it is hard to resist clicking on the "funny" button.
Thanks guys :) lol
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