Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Kate's Favorite Things #10

So seeing as Oprah gets to share her favorite things at this time of year I thought I would take the opportunity to do the same thing! I do have a bit of an obsessive personality so when I find something that works how I want it to I don't just like it - I LOVE it.

So heres # 10 of my Top #10 of 2009

Playtex Sippy Cups

This may seem silly if you don't have kids yet but trust me - sippy cups can be the bane of your existence. Some leak (even thought they say they are no leak), some with the soft tops wear out so fast you wonder if you are personaly sponsoring the company. Some no-leak valves are so hard to drink through your kids think you are punishing them in cruel and unusual ways. Don't even get me started on valves....the Gerber valves...eiyiyi - I am sure that the plague was hiding in those silly valves no matter how hard I tried to clean them.

Enter, My hero, the Playtex Sippy Cup Line up ***Please play heroic theme music here***

These Cups are completely interchangeable. Same valves, same lids. They don't leak and most importantly to me I can clean the
valves with ease. My kids have never had problems drinking out of these cups which is always a bonus.
Now that Eliana is older I have moved her onto the straw version of these cups with the same great results - and you know what I can interchange the bottoms with the straw tops as well. **Sigh of Bliss**

The price point for these babies is right on par with all the competitors but the difference is these will last and not cause you headaches a hundred different ways.


PS - Watch for the rest of the items on my top 10 list throughout the month


Leanne Marie said...

Nice I will be buying playtex bottles for our first little one, and we use playtex sippy cups for our God daughters! So good, and you are right the price is pretty good! Can't wait to see the rest of you top 10 list!

Leanne said...

Oh... that's a good one! Those are the only ones I buy anymore. It's too bad I had to try every other brand out before I learned that playtex is the best! If you do a "10 most hated things list" make sure "Nuby" sippy cups are on it!

Jackie said...

Ya only going for this item if its filled with gin.