Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A New Year....Yes for Us it Starts in April

For our family we have definitely started a new year. I have felt my whole being breath a deep sigh of relief. Gabe is now officially a year old and we as parents have survived!!! I in no way mean that this last year has been a negative experience in any way. Actually it has been quite the opposite. I have absolutely loved have two kids. The transition was much easier than I anticipated and so much more fun!! The relief comes from the knowledge that my little baby lump is changing into a more and more independent and individualistic little person. With that change comes so much more freedom. I am looking forward to this summer and all the activities that I won't have to bow out of!!

This 'new year' so to speak is off to a chaotic start mostly made up of a zillion little things all stacking up. Near the top of this stack is my poor new laptop that got a virus just after Gabe got over his!! I am mostly worried about my pictures...more specifically the most recent couple of hundred that haven't yet been backed up!!!
Next has been my silly shoulder...I don't know exactly when I hurt it but it has been just about a month now and it is no closer to working normally. I sure need Gabe to start walking soon...that might help it a bit!!
The last major thing on my little pile of chaos is my summer job/ maybe business issue. I am hoping to get hired as a photographers assistant this summer as well as I am trying to get my "Cookie Fairy" gourmet cookies farmers market business off the ground. I need to help our family financially but it is definitely challenging finding time and energy in a day to devote the time I need to into these projects.

Despite all this this spring time chaos and disorder I am feeling optimistic and hopeful. I am making sure that the kids and I are making time to discover the world and appreciate the beauty around us. As long as no one asks for me to develop recent photos, while carrying a heavy box and looking for a job all at the same time I should be A-Ok.

1 comment:

Renee said...

i like the name cookie fairy!! if i were at the farmers market, i would definetly want to eat one!!