Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our Weekend Getaway turned Hospital Stay

So last week week started off with Ed and I looking forward to our vacation that we were leaving for on Thursday. The trip was to celebrate Ed's 30th, which is coming up, and we were going to go to Seattle and watch a Mariners game.

I was cleaning like a mad hatter and packing for the kids and ourselves. I didn't think too much of it when Gabe started throwing up on Tuesday morning, there was no fever so I figured it was just a mild bug. Tuesday night into Wednesday the bug turned nasty. He was throwing up consistently and the fever finally showed up. Wednesday afternoon I started getting nervous at how lethargic he was and how high his fever was getting. When I noticed that his hands and feet where turning purple I took him into the Emergency Room. Luckily Mom was nearby so she picked up Eliana and Ed was just getting off work so he just came in directly. I still figured at this point that they were going to give Gabe some more Tylenol and give me that look like "Here's just another overreacting mother"
Instead of this look though they kept carefully checking him and called in the on call Pediatrician. To make a long story much shorter they admitted him Wednesday night, hooked him to an IV and started a whole bunch of tests.

Gabe in his little escape for you Rota Boy!!

We later found out that what had them all so concerned was his shallow breathing and elevated heart rate. This was being caused by something called acidosis...which was being caused by his electrolytes being out of wack and dehydration. Gabe's bug took another turn and instead of throwing up it started coming out the other end in record volumes! Over the next couple days they kept close tabs on Gabe and his electrolytes.

Things calmed down enough by the weekend that Gabe felt up to smiling for the camera

In the end they found out that the bug that Gabe had was Rotavirus. Poor little guy. Sunday morning we were finally released...he is still sick but he is now able to keep more fluids in his body than are going out. He is definitely on the road to recovery though...he is playing again and is in much better spirits.

These PJ's are the Hospitals tribute to "Bananas in Pajamas"
This is Gabe waiting to be released on Sunday.

So all in all it was a pretty hectic weekend but Ed and I are both pretty thankful for the doctors and nurses that were able to help our little guy. Ed was telling my dad yesterday that our weekend getaway was quite a success. We got to stay at a Bed and Breakfast where we had staff, in matching uniforms, available to bring us whatever we needed at the push of a button :) I thought that about summed it up.

Thanks to all my family and to Stacey and Mauricio for helping look after Eliana through all this!! It is so amazing to be surrounded by such good people.


Tara said...

Oh Kate!! That is too wild, you had good spirits about the whole thing! I'm sure it was a little nerve wracking at first, but you did a great job! I love the pajamas, so cute!

Renee said...

wow, that must have been a scary weekend! glad everything turned out ok!

Leanne said...

Glad he's on the mend. Those Jammies are the cutest thing ever!! I love that picture!!!