Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Easy Way and My Way...

Ok. I seem to have a very distressing syndrome. Maybe I have had it all my life or maybe its a part of loosing my mind since having children but what ever its official name is I'm calling it Good Idea / Bad Idea Syndrome. (If you have a better name I am open for suggestions)

Let me give you a few examples of how this Syndrome has crept into my daily life over this past week...

Good Idea/Bad Idea: Put Selah and Eliana out to play in the Sprinkler, Mop the floor.

Good Idea/Bad Idea: Cut an entire Watermelon for dessert, try to slide the entire thing from counter to plate singlehandedly.

Good Idea/Bad Idea: Make Garlic Toast, Use broil

Good Idea/Bad Idea: Let Eliana colour with Chalk Pastels at the table, fail to notice when she hops down and starts playing around the house with highly transferable chalky hands.

Good Idea/ Bad Idea: Oh well I am sure you get the idea!!!

I need Help.


Anonymous said...

This is too funny Kate! (This is Ashlea from Gardom Lake by the way, I found your blog on Tara's.) I find that a lot of my decisions have potential to be good/bad ideas too. And here I thought once I became a mom I automatically knew all the right answers! My latest good/ bad idea is: Deciding to let my 14 month old paint her Father's day craft by herself, and then turn my back to get some more paint...It led to a green mouth full of paint and green hair.

Shawn and Susan said...

Hey Kate,
Saw you and Ed are now members of VAC. Good for you guys! Hope you are doing well, chat soon.