Wednesday, March 16, 2011

An Adventure in Driving and Letting Go...

Well first off I think I am finally happy with my new background.  It drives me to distraction when I feel my blogger background doesn't 'fit' with what I am writing here. Usually I end up with some OCD type focus until I find just the right one and I think this is it! Phew. 

Ok. Yes I had an Adventure. I went away for a whole weekend without my kids or husband! This was the first trip all by myself since my kids were born - so to say the least it was a weird feeling. My sisters and I headed down to Tacoma and attended a Beth Moore Conference.  This was also a first for me.  I so enjoyed the teaching and the time away.  There were so many good things I enjoyed all weekend long. Sounds pretty benign right?  I really think it should have been but I will try to express to you the level of anxiety I had the entire time!

I am not a long trip driver for starters...when on long trips my favourite thing to do is cuddle up in a blanket and zonk out for as long as possible. This time though I was THE driver and as silly as it is I was a little antsy about this.  We started our trip on Thursday and didn't get into Vancouver till 9:30pm (fyi this is past a momma's optimal functioning time)  It was pouring rain and dark (obviously) and the stress just got to me.  We stopped for a half hour calm down session and then continued on.  My youngest sister played the alphabet game with me which really helped. lol Silly Simple but focusing on something other than the crazy roads helped.
The next morning we went out for a nice breaky before heading to the states - which meant I navigated through Vancouver before heading off to tackle boarder guards, the interstate, and finally Seattle/Tacoma. Each new situation brought on a new variation of the stress that had been with me since I pulled away from my house. After getting lost several times and taking wrong turns a few more times we finally made it to the Tacoma Dome. Wow.
We got settled into our seats and Beth got up and began to share that we were going to be talking about ROAD SIGNS. 
I just about fell over right there.  I was supposed to be unwinding from driving not learning lessons about it.
To make a long story much shorter Beth spoke on the premise of three points - STOP YIELD GO.
For me it meant STOP - gnawing every detail of my life to death with worry and anxiousness.
YIELD-those concerns and yield myself to God's will in our life (instead of trying to control everything - which by the way we CANNOT do...another fyi)
GO - Go in Peace! I don't (and can't) control everything in my life but I can let go and yield these things to God and live in a measure of peace that is impossible when we try to do it on our own.

So to say the least this is not an instant lesson and I have had to remind myself of this frequently already but as I drove out of Seattle and off the interstate and into Vancouver and then home - I felt a sense of empowerment - I had conquered roads. BIG SCARY ROADS. (You may roll your eyes now  - I know they are JUST roads lol)  But for me it was an illustration of victory over anxiety and fear - one which I want to continue to play out in my life over and over so I am not living in fear but freedom.  


Unknown said...

Love this! Glad you were able to get away, I think the next one should be with me ;) I love the STOP, YIELD, GO, I am going to try to remember that as I go through life!

Lorraine Stein said...

Thank you Katie you have no idea how this message has touched me I really enjoy reading these blogs even though i don't get to them much so I have a lot of reading when i do get here. Love Ya and God Bless