Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The game of Tag goes on

Hmmm I’ve heard of phone tag but I didn’t now there was blog tag! If I figure out how to do a link I will link Leanne’s name because she is the one who tagged me. She always has been a great motivator and inspiration in my life J

So 6 unexceptional things about myself:

1) I think I hate my dog. She is like one of these things in my life that I do love but conditionally…today she got into the garbage and messed up my newly mopped floors so today I am without the love.
2) I am clueless about decorating a house. Seriously nominate me for some home decorating something; otherwise I am doomed to live in white walled boxes for the rest of my life!
3) I’ve lost a couch this week. I think its somewhere under the mountain of laundry that I am supposed to fold and put away.
4) I totally don’t get why people are whining that its cold out…it’s November for heavens sake and your living in Canada, what do you expect! Talk to me in March…I’ll join in on your complaining then.
5) I’m a Flames fan…you can argue semantics about it all you want but I left the Canucks behind with my childhood and I am not looking back!
6) I love video games. We’re xboxers now…halo mostly. I wish I was better at them but I really don’t have the time to become a professional couch potato…I mean gamer at this point. But one day….

So now that you know these random facts about my not so glamorous life I am going to tag Kenny and Char, Andrew, Ryan, and Leanne.

Here are the rules for this tag....Rules:1). Link the person that tagged you.2).Mention the rules on your own blog.3). List 6 unspectacular things about you.4).Taggify 6 other bloggers

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Hilarious! I'll nominate you for a home decorating show if you nominate me for "What Not to Wear"... I could so use a $5000 shopping spree!!