Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Running Up the Down Escalator

Not literally, not today at least. But yesterday I could have sworn that someone had put our entire life on one of those darn things, and it was definately going in the wrong direction.

It was a series of random, unrelated events that left my head whirling at the end of the day, searching for some meaning in a rather pointless day. 

Strangely, I actually did acomplish more than I thought I did. 
Despite the lawn mower dying on me - twice.  The second time it was for good.  
The whipper snipper wasn't so depressing, it just ran out of string but man I hate trying to refill those things.  
Gabriel's drawer periodically gets stuck and yesterday I wasn't taking any more of its I did the reasonable thing and kicked it until it fell apart and we could get at his clothes. "Thanks Mom!"

By the time Eliana got home and asked to play in the sprinkler, I didn't have much fight left in me so I thought, "Sure, why not".

It was actually pretty fun watching them scream and run around in the water....until they disappeared around the corner for 2 min too long.  When I went to investigate, I found my back porch covered in sunscreen and being used as inpromu ice rink.


Although I was defiantely frustrated at different points through the day yesterday, I noticed something that has changed in my own heart.  I was thankful.  I was thankful that these were the big problems of my day - fighting with machinery and cleaning up messes.  I was thankful that I have my husband to address these obvious 'blue' jobs that now need attending. Mostly I was and continue to be thankful that God is working in my heart and life and changing how I look at the my life.  It is SO easy to let seeds of discontent sneak in to our days  - I think especially in the mundane, dreary type problems that come our way.  My prayer is that God continues to grow a thankful heart in me, so that my eyes can see the beauty for the thorns.  Choose the fullness, instead of emptiness.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Amen Kate! Good to read on your blog again ;0)
