Monday, February 13, 2012

A Valentines Gift...

This is one of those stories that just HAS to be shared.

First off I am going to share a photo of an artifact from my early teens.
When my parents moved a couple of months ago I found a bin of notes and who knows what else that I had saved over the years. On sunday morning Eliana brought me the bin of notes and this little note was the first one I pulled out.

 Feel free to take time to snicker and laugh now.....

Okay here comes the cool part

That's right, back in 1995 - I was 14 - and in my cheezy, over dramatic doodle something cool happened. No matter if you believe that you were destined to be with your spouse or if you are more inclined to think it was a matter of chance and choice.  Either way this is still cool.

To me it speaks of a God that knows where we are going.  He is not blind or lying when he says that He knows the plans he has for us.

I have to say that this little gift has added something special to this Valentines day, not only am I married to my best friend and the greatest guy around but I know I am exactly where I am meant to be.


Leanne said...

Very awesome Kate. Thanks for sharing. Although... I didn't need this cool discovery to know that you and Ed are perfect for each other!

Lorraine Stein said...


Tara said...

aw!!! Sooo cool!!!!!! Of course God does awesome things like that:) Did Eliana go home and write one to her future hubby? haha

Christy Lee said...

you know wat I noticed.... how the second "E" in sweet is SOOOOO accentuated!!! E=Ed.... eh-eh!! LOVE it Kate <3

Renee said...

so cool!! love it:)

Shawna said...

so cool, I got goose bumps!