Friday, April 30, 2010

And The Winner Is....

Well so this morning, with some help from Eliana, I  put all the names in bowl and got Eliana to pick one out...

Of course if you have read the last post you will know that this is for the $20 gift card for Tim Hortons - to celebrate reaching my 100th post!

So thanks to all of you that left comments and became followers - it was really fun to read and see who is out there listening :)

Without further Ado....

The Winner is ....


I will get you your card...either next Tues or when ever you swing


Monday, April 26, 2010

100th Post!!! Celebrating with a giveaway....

I really can't believe I have posted 100 times already!! I noticed the post numbers a few weeks back and thought I would have to do something special.

Now for those of you who blog - I am sure you have experienced the sometimes insecure and bizzar feeling of wondering if anyone reads your blog.  The wierdest thing about blogging is that just when you are sure that not a soul in the world cares or is reading a word - you get your first comment.

Comments are lifewater for bloggers - of this I am certain.  Weather you are blogging about life or sharing a piece of yourself or your art - you are sharing in hopes that it will find another out there somewhere that relates and is happy that you have shared.

Over the past 100 posts I have heard from many of you - so thanks!! As a sign of my appreciation I wanted to offer up a little giveaway....

                          A $20 Tim Hortons Gift Card

How this will work is that on Friday I will randomly choose one person that has left a comment on this post.  You can leave any sort of message - even something as simple as 'I love timmies!!" and come Friday I will draw a name out of a hat (or bowl is more likely)

For an extra vote to be counted for your name become a follower (just click on the little box on the left hand side of the screen) and let me know when you comment that you did so! If you already are a follower also remind me in the comment section and that will count as an extra vote for you as well.

So be sure to check back Friday to see if you are the lucky winner!

Friday, April 16, 2010

An Annoucement and some Housekeeping...

So I will keep this brief but wanted to share two things with all of you.  First off I am excited to annouce that I have officially taken my first step into starting my own buisness.  I received confirmation yesterday that my now registered buisness name is "Twisted Lily Photography" 

I just loved this name for a couple of reasons.  First of all I am so moved by beauty and to me that is what a Lily represents; and secondly, I love finding beauty in new and unexpected places and ways which is sometimes a twisted perspective :)

Anyway I will keep you all posted as that whole process moves along.  My second annoucment is more of a housekeeping issue....I realized the other day that I am comming up to my 100th post!! I thought that this will be worth celebrating so keep checking my blog - as I have some special things in the works for that blog! (Can you say giveaway?) ((and no its not my dog!!))

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Maternity Shoot...

So this was my first 'studio' (hello big black sheet and standing lamp) maternity shoot but I think it turned out pretty well. These two are such a cool couple and despite the makeshift/ mickey mouse setup it was really fun to do.  If you can believe it - that little bit of a girl is preggo with twins!!   She actually just had them this morning - two boys - so this blog is for them :)





Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Of Tea and Decoy Ducks...

Easter this year was a little bit more hectic than usual. We had our traditional Egg hunt out at my parents farm on the Saturday but then Ed and I left the kids with their aunt and headed off for his stomping grounds that same evening.

Now Ed's hometown is the quintessential small town....then cut that town in half and those halves in quarters and you probably have double the population of - well lets just call it 'B' for anonymity's sake. They have one little general store that has everything and a post office.

This suited Ed's dad Fred just fine - he was all about horses and quads and hunt'n. Oh and apparently flammable liquid. I know this even more so now because the whole purpose of our trip was to sort through and clean out the four sheds he had filled up with 'stuff' and again flammable liquid. My part of this job was to empty the shed and sort everything into 3 piles - Garbage - Keepers - Flammable Liquid.
I think I seriously under-estimated Fred's need to save every last drop of paint thinner, and who knows what else, in small unmarked tobacco cans.
I learned the hard way that it is hazardous to open any containers that sloshes - I am sure I lost more than a few brain cells to inhaling too many fumes in an unventilated shed.

This weekend was not particularly kind to my brain cells. When we first arrived in 'B' we went to Nana Fran's. She had offered to let us crash at her house - which was great. Nana Fran had some company over and 'He' (again lets keep this anonymous) offered Ed and I tea or coffee before we sat down to visit. I took "Him' up on the tea. We sat down with our drinks and started to visit........Fast forward to the end of my cup of tea. There was a lull in the conversation and I was pondering what kind of tea I just drank. So naturally I asked the tea maker - "What kind of tea is this??" And he answered casually, "Chamomile and a bud of pot"

In retrospect I wish someone was videotaping my expression - I was so shocked, then angry, then shocked again, then felt like hmmm I guess I really don't care.
(!!!!! Bahahaha)
I did manage to sputter..."You drugged me!!!?? Then 'He' dove into some sort of speech about the benefits of pot and how healthy bla bla bla
I stopped listening.

Normally I am a light sleeper and Nana Fran's house is right next to train tracks which usually means I hardly sleep when I am there. Not that night - I hit the couch and I didn't wake up until the morning.

I found I cared a little more the next day!!!

Mostly we (Ed and I) have laughed the whole situation off but I am telling ya - apparently its not just at the clubs that you have to watch what you drink!