Monday, December 22, 2008

Tis the Season..

Well we have been running at about a 150 MPH these I expect most people are. My last blog that my dog so neatly deleted (she knocked the keyboard out of my hands and everything disappeared) was about how my kids and I have been coping and surviving the many outings and errand running that the season demands.

As Christmas is only a couple of days away I think I can say "we did it!"...I am feeling quite ready for Christmas and I think I am a little more excited this year than I have been in years past. Originally we were going to make this Christmas a 'gift less' Christmas so we could alleviate some of the stress and expectation from the season. As it happened though I was given a bit of a epiphany. I was reminded of why we give gifts at celebrate the gift of Jesus!!! Since that moment I have enjoyed collecting our assortment of little and homemade gifts. I have found more joy in finding little insubstantial gifts that I hope will mean something to the recipients than in years past when I have been trying to buy the latest and greatest. I think for us finding that balance between wanting to give extravagant gifts and being financially realistic has been so freeing.

I think another reason for my excitement is being able to experience Christmas through a child's eyes again. Eliana is super pumped about Jesus birthday and talks about it alot. She has enjoyed counting down on her advent calendar and eating the "big chocolates" (they are pretty big if you only ever get a choc chip or a mini m&m :)
She has made Christmas presents this year as well which has been great to work on with her. She loves gluing things and getting to use her scissors.

Gabe is going to be pretty funny to be with this Christmas as well. He loves to eat paper and has figured out how to crawl (as of last week). So we will have our own mobile paper shredder on the day of the year that you have the most paper laying about!!! He is also trying to pull himself up on things and has done it a couple of times all ready so I am sure that I will have plenty of 'ahhhh!!!' moments.

My house still awaits a once over so that we don't celebrate Christmas in a pig sty...

So Merry Christmas Everyone!!!! I hope you find some true joy in the season.

Monday, December 15, 2008


I hate my dog she just deleted my post.

Super Shopping Marathon Moms....

So I am a Christmas fanatic. I love the feeling of the season and all the pretty lights. I love all the get togethers and the gift giving. Its just fun. This year to we wanted to take a year off of doing the gift thing and told everyone just to forget it but we just couldn't do it. We have cut back a ton...probably like 300% if I was a mather. It got me to thinking of why gift giving is important.

Christ's Birth was the greatest gift that the world has ever seen. It was God's whole self poured out into a gift for us. So for me to celebrate by giving gifts and sacrificing my time in energy somehow made more sense. I am really excited about the gifts we got our family this year - they are ridiculously simple - but I am still probably more excited than I have been in the past few years for sure. I think part of it is that I don't have that sickening feeling in my stomach wondering how we are going to make it through January!!! And of course the other part is that I feel as though I have captured a little bit of the true wonder of Christmas in my heart.

So Get Ready to Switch

That all being said, I continue to marvel at the strength and endurance it takes to go shopping with kids. Especially with car seats and strollers and all the extra bags...oh and did I mention car seats!!! Eliana, Gabe and I went out today...stupid day to go out. It was so cold for the kids that they fussed in and out of every store...poor things. Then Eliana is such an 'ADD' walker (I use that term loosely) and Gabe is getting heavy in that seat of his - but I figure at least I can set him down when I want to when he is in it. Then can someone tell me why stores insist on the coin thing for carts?!!? Sure they get their carts back but I swear those things are going to be my undoing. You gotta try to park close to the little cart sheds (which is no easy task) and then make sure you have your looney or quarter (again who carries change these days. Then once you get in a store you have to make sure you have everyone fed and happy and entertained while trying to push your squeaky wheeled tank of a cart up and down crowded isles. Then inevitably one of the kids needs to go potty or has a diaper explode. Don't even get me started on the bathroom thing. I KNOW that I am not the only one that goes through all this!! I saw a mom the other day with her baby in a carrier on her tummy, pushing a cart loaded to the gills that was so heavy she was having trouble turning it, with her crying toddler perched on top of all the food because there was no where else to sit. I wanted to go over and shake her hand or get her autograph but I was busy trying to make Gabe a bottle in the middle of an isle myself.

So I guess I just want to congratulate all of you that have this exercise down to a fine art so that it looks easy...cuz I can tell you its not. And for all of you that come home after running errands and you feel as though the shopping world has just kicked the, well you know, out of you...know that I am cheering on your heroic efforts and that someone else in this world hates car seats and shopping carts as much as you do

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Crazy Pet Population

So I am again writing without any profound inspiration but I was recently challenged to give myself a psychological evaluation on my evident pathological need to collect pets. I think that my prognosis would be better if I even collected beanie babies or some other such lucrative investment but I apparently need living, breathing creatures.

Our very first pet as a married couple was Selah. I had been begging and pleading with Ed to get a puppy for several months and so that is what he got me for Christmas that year. I was so excited. Selah was a cute and mellow 5 week old lab x boarder collie. She did pee on me on the way home that evening and in retrospect I don't know how I missed the message. I clued in not long after though!! As she grew up we saw more and more bizarre behavior. We found that Separation anxiety and clueless owners = ripped up carpet and trim, jackets, blankets - potty training accidents everywhere you can imagine. Selah has been our own little piece of hell some days and yet other days we have just been thrilled to have her around. Did you know that Selah answers the phone 90% of the time in our house!?! Seriously - it is really handy. Selah has somehow managed to become the only pet that we are too attached to, to get rid of. So I quickly learned - through some trial and error -
that I crazy pet is often enough...and we have a knack for finding the crazies as evidenced by the following list:

Honey the Hamster - was a 'gift' from Eds sister. He was a crazy escape artist and we often found him on our stairs off to who knows where.

The Guppies - I gave Ed a fish tank the same Christmas that I got Selah which we filled with some guppies...who had babies...who we then felt compelled to save from their parents who were tring to eat them...

Mondego - Our ball python. Seriously the best pet we have. He is quiet and content and entertaining in a rather morbid way. We still have him but we are quickly running out of room for him!!!

Shambo - Ed named this cat after the term "being ro-sham-boed" which seemed particularly funny to him. We got Shambo to see if she would help Selah calm down a bit and went pretty well until Ed's allergies got the best of him. Shambo went to live with Mike at camp.

Bagera - This cat was cool...quite a character but again the allergies kicked in and our neighbour at the time took him.

Shasta - So this little Yorkie would have probably worked out if we had a better sense of timing. NO allergies...small animal that could be selahs friend but we really didn't have the time to train her. She lives at Nana and Papas now and is really happy there. It works out well cuz we get to see her still and her and Selah can still play but I don't have the stress of it all!!

Jacapo - This little guy just kinda popped into our lives...he is awesome though. A little lizard. Easy peasy.

Pepper - Is our newest cat. He is working out great so far and Ed insists that his allergies are so much better since being in BC so I have my fingers crossed that this will be it!

So I think what it comes down to is that it is all Selahs
The reptiles are cool pets that we got because they are cool pets....but everything else was to keep selah company.

So I guess the moral of the story is "careful what you wish for!"

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Politics hey! I know I am not the only wishes for a more efficent system or leadership that inspires at least half the nation!!

Although this colition stuff is nonsense it does ispire me to get more involved in our political process. I know politics are frustrating but without good people trying to bring good about its going to go to the dogs...I mean dions.
I am not loyal to certain party so I doesn't matter to me what side of this whole issue you sit on but make your voice heard.

This is an email between Colin Mayes and Me (MP for Okanagan Shushwap)

Dear Mr. Mayes,

I have to admit I'm not a political activist or even that well versed with the finer workings of our system but I do vote and try to follow politics in a more general sense. The events of this past week or more have me concerned and confused; I understand a no confidence vote but how in the world could the parties that inspired the least confidence in Canadian voters be trying to take power without a vote?? Is there anyway that I can have a voice in this matter??

Thank-you for your time and direction,

Katie Stein

And then his Reply


Thank you for your comments. The current financial crisis is taking a severe toll on all Canadians and despite our many strengths, Canada cannot escape the global downturn. In this regard, I find it disappointing that the discourse since the tabling of the Economic Update has been almost exclusively focused on political gains and posturing.

I would recommend that you contact the Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency, the Right Honourable Michaƫlle Jean to express your views. She can be reached at:



There will also be a ‘Rally for Canada’ on December 6th. Please see attached link for details.

Colin Mayes, MP


Alrighty then it up to us now.