Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Have I Got a Deal For You...

Want to renovate your home? Need new furniture? How about someone to take out your Garbage? Yes?!?

Then I have just the thing - come pick up my Dog!!

She will make all of the above possible in less time that you would believe!!! She sometimes multi-tasks so that more than one of the above is accomplished at once, for instance:
This week she has decided to take my garbage out and drag it all over the carpet...so besides having my Garbage taken out I now get to call someone in to clean the carpet (yes it is that bad!!) or just replace it!

In all seriousness I sat down with Selah (thats our dogs name) just yesterday and explained all the pros and cons of keeping her around. She, of course, looked at me totally unphased.

Home Security (if you have ever stood at our door, you'll know what this means!)
Teaches kids to stay away from Dogs while they are eating
Teaches kids not to poke a sleeping Dog
Annoys our Landlord

Muddy footprints EVERYWHERE
Bodily Functions EVERYWHERE (I won't even go into the horror)
Garbage Ripped up EVERYWHERE
Annoys our Landlord
Separation anxiety induced drool (sometimes I open the door to puddles)
Barking wakes up anything
Due to food Allergies she eats the expensive dog food
She believes the pecking order in our house is thus - Ed, Selah, Eliana, Gabe, Pepper (0ur cat), then me.


So any takers??


Leanne said...

I would love to get rid of my floral couches, but sorry we can't take your dog!

Jeremy said...

I know someone with a gun...

Shawn and Susan said...

Hey Kate just to give you a heads up the care group kick off meeting is this Saturday (Oct 3)after church. You will probably be getting a call tomorrow about it. So do you think you'll be able to put XBOX live on hold???? :)